Face Off with Your Feelings eBook


Many of us allow our feelings to be the engine in our lives instead of the caboose. We are run by our feelings when we run away from them. But as Jessica Hottle teaches, we no longer have to run and hide from our feelings. Our feelings can lead us into a deeper relationship with God. Whether you feel too busy to slow down; believe you are not worth the time, the effort, or the fight; feel so overwhelmed with where to start; or have no idea how to take your thoughts captive, question your thoughts, or renew your mind, this book helps you create space, step-by-step, to heal the tender places of your soul. This book teaches you how worthy you are of love and healing because of our good Father in heaven.

Writing from her own journey, Jessica shares simple, tangible action steps for readers to take as they work through the process of healing, including:

  • Changing the way you think about God to change the way you live with God,
  • Creating the space you need to find healing,
  • Discovering how to get the Word of God from your head into your heart,
  • Experiencing the love of God through relationship and not works, and
  • Finding freedom from shame about what you feel, so you can heal.

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Product Details

  • 6×9
  • 158 pages
  • eBook
  • A full study guide is included with the book

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