Below you will find 10 female Christian authors. Some are my friends, while others I have had the pleasure to get to know (or even interview on my podcast From Head to Heart). I pray you buy, follow, and support these amazing women of God and that God meets you in the pages of their books.

What I look for in a Christian author

I love Christian authors who stay true to the Word and are not afraid to speak the Truth with love and grace. Demonstrating that God is holy and just as much as He is loving and kind.

How to find good Christian authors

Finding good Christian authors is important. When I am looking to buy new books from Christian authors, I will read their bio, look at their social media to see if their message is consistent, and look to see if they preach the whole Word. I love reading from different Christian authors that deliver the Word in the gifts that God has given each of them.

FYI, these are in no particular order! A few of these are friends of mine, so if you’re so if you are looking for new Christian authors to be encouraged by in your walk with God, don’t forget to show support and buy their books!

Phylicia Masonheimer: Stop Calling Me Beautiful

Christian Faith, Christian Women’s Issues, Christian Spiritual Growth

stop calling me beautiful by phylicia masonheimer
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“You’re a beautiful daughter of the Most High King.” And it’s true. But it’s not the whole truth. The beauty of being God’s daughter has backstory.

If you’re tired of hearing the watered-down Christian teaching and hungry for a deeper spiritual life—one that gives real answers to your hardest questions—Stop Calling Me Beautiful teaches you how. You will learn

  • how to pursue the truths of who God is and who you are in relationship to Him
  • how to study Scripture, and how your view of God determines how you face life’s challenges
  • how legalism, shallow theology, and false teaching keep you from living boldly as a woman of the Word
  • how to experience God’s presence in painful circumstances

Jesus doesn’t offer a powerless salvation. He makes your brokenness part of His whole redemption story—if you allow Him to. Don’t settle for a feel-good faith. If you want victory over insecurity, fear, shame, and the circumstances you are facing, it’s time to embrace Jesus. All of Him.

Phylicia Masonheimer teaches Christian women how to apply faith to the realities of life. She is a Christian author and blogger, podcast host, and speaker. Her writing focuses on overcoming sin and difficulty by the power of a maturing personal relationship with God. Phylicia lives in northern Michigan with her husband and children.

Nicole Zasowski: What If It’s Wonderful

Love and Loss, Christian Self Help

what if it's wonderful by nicole zasowski
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These questions haunt many of us, leaving us sick with anxiety and frozen into inaction: what if my hope only leads to disappointment? What if I embrace joy only to have it ripped from my hands? What if my celebration is the cause of others’ sadness? What if my joy takes me away from the God I knew so well in my pain? But these fears don’t have to control your life.

Author and marriage and family therapist Nicole Zasowski knows what it’s like to suffer a blow that makes it difficult to look to the future. Despite the struggle, she found the courage to celebrate, and discovered that God is as present in our joy as He is in our pain.

Yes, God’s purpose for us is worked out in our struggles. But what if it is also worked out in our dreams and our delighted joy? In What If it’s Wonderful? Nicole helps you:

  • Overcome the fears that keep you from looking toward the future with joy
  • Let go of the lies you’ve believed about happiness and embrace celebration as a part of spiritual growth
  • Approach life with an expectant heart and courage to trust God’s good gifts

With a psychological and spiritual case for celebrating, Nicole challenges you to let go of the habit of practicing disappointment and fully embrace joy, beckoning you to ask yourself a new question: What if it’s wonderful?

Nicole Zasowski is a licensed marriage and family therapist and the author of From Lost to Found. As an old soul who wears her heart proudly on her sleeve, she enjoys writing and speaking on topics that merge her professional knowledge, faith, and personal experience. Nicole lives in Connecticut with her husband and their three young children. 

Jessica Hottle: Face Off with Your Feelings

Emotional Self Help, Christian Personal Growth, Christian Self Help

face off with your feelings by jessica hottle
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How free would you feel if your feelings didn’t get the final say in your life, but God’s Word did?

Many of us allow our feelings to be the engine in our lives instead of the caboose. We are run by our feelings when we run away from them. But as Jessica Hottle teaches, we no longer have to run and hide from our feelings. Our feelings can lead us into a deeper relationship with God.

Whether you feel too busy to slow down; believe you are not worth the time, the effort, or the fight; feel so overwhelmed with where to start; or have no idea how to take your thoughts captive, question your thoughts, or renew your mind, this book helps you create space, step-by-step, to heal the tender places of your soul. This book teaches you how worthy you are of love and healing because of our good Father in heaven.

Writing from her own journey, Jessica shares simple, tangible actions steps for readers to take as they work through the process of healing, including:

  • Changing the way you think about God to change the way you live with God,
  • Creating the space you need to find healing,
  • Discovering how to get the Word of God from your head into your heart,
  • Experiencing the love of God through relationship and not works, and
  • Finding freedom from shame about what you feel so you can heal.

Jessica Hottle is a faith-based fitness coach, podcast host, best-selling christian author, and speaker with a heart for teaching women how to dismantle the lies that keep them from healing and wholeness. She is the author of four books her newest being Face Off with Your Feelings and the host of From Head to Heart, a show where she challenges the way her listeners think so they can change the way they live.

Alisa Keeton: The Wellness Revelation

Christian Meditation, Christian Self Help, Christian Spiritual Growth

the wellness revelation by alisa keeton
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What would it take for you to make a change? Weight loss can sometimes be a very self-focused endeavor. Maybe you have struggled with your weight your entire life, riding a constant roller coaster of numbers that go up and down. Or maybe you are finding yourself more stressed out by the world and all its demands. Perhaps you just don’t feel as well in your body as you do in your spirit.

In The Wellness Revelation, certified fitness professional Alisa Keeton will challenge you to get fit with God so that He can free you to complete your purpose. She teaches that when we get fit physically as well as spiritually, we will be better equipped to love and serve others. The Wellness Revelation will change the way you perceive yourself and the way that you live your life.

Each week in this eight-week journey includes a teaching from Alisa, weekly assignments, Bible study, small-group questions, and more. Alisa will encourage you to love God, get healthy, and serve others; and she will provide you with the tools to spread the gospel with courage, confidence, kindness, and freedom.

It’s time to make a change from the inside out.

Alisa Keeton is a wholehearted pursuer of God’s love. After more than twenty-five years as a fitness professional, Alisa felt God leading her to bring fresh meaning to the world of health and fitness.

Emily Copeland: Starving the Fairytale

Christian Spiritual Growth, Religious Literature & Fiction

starving the fairytale by emily copeland
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The purpose of Starving the Fairytale is to illuminate the empty messaging about “self” that is drawing Christian and non-Christian women into a dead-end journey of self-discovery and to hold it against the Light of truth to help them fully follow Jesus. The reader will explore relatable life experiences that are impacted by the message of “self-love” in today’s culture.

The “fairytale” that the New-Age self-discovery journey promises is exposed along with the nuanced messaging that exists to lead women into confusion about the truth of Jesus and the “truth” of the world around them. The hollow journey of self will be unveiled as it begins subtly with self-care, leading to self-discovery, self-love, self-acceptance, self-reliance, and ultimately to self as god. And where will it land? With the Message that delivers; the Gospel, explaining salvation FROM self and to the “new” woman in Christ that they have been journeying to find all along.

Emily Copeland is a Christian author and encourager.

Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus: She Works His Way

Christian Personal Growth, Christian Women’s Issues

she works his way by michelle myers and somer phoebus
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Dear friend,

We know it deeply. It is so hard to juggle work, home, and spiritual life. As working
women, we’ve wrestled with tough questions:
· How can I be effective in my work, and stay committed to the Gospel?
· How can I be dedicated to my family, when my job is so demanding?
· Why am I working so hard, and still so unfulfilled? 
Sound familiar? Like you, we see a culture that promotes success at all costs, and
working women are falling for it. It’s happening every day. Priorities are shifting. Things are getting done . . . but are we doing what matters most?

And that’s why we wrote this book. This is the story of how we traded the lies of the
world for the truth of our loving Father–the lessons we learned that challenged culture’s
“good things” so we could find the greatest thing.

The book you’re holding in your hands is really a conversation–a conversation that
pushes back against our culture with a Gospel-centered approach to work and
womanhood, for the glory of God and the good of others.

Let’s get to work. His way.

Michelle + Somer are moms, wives, women called to work, best friends, and co-leaders of She Works His Way – a discipleship community for working women.

Lisa Whittle: Jesus Over Everything

Christian Personal Growth, Christian Women’s Issues, Christian Spiritual Growth

jesus over everything by lisa whittle
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We all want to live simpler lives and to put Jesus first—but we struggle with doing both. While we are busy strategizing new ways to streamline our calendars and clean the clutter out of our closets, what really needs attention is actually the secret to long-term clarity and lasting peace: putting Jesus over everything in our lives.

In a culture that carries the confusion of overindulgence, endless options and influencer voices, the Jesus-first life clears our minds and hearts of noise so our souls can find true meaning and rest. In Jesus Over Everything, Lisa offers a close look at the eight choices you can make to help you grow in your understanding of what it means to put Jesus first amid the craziness of the day-to-day.

Discover the joy of choosing:

  • Commitment over mood
  • Real over pretty
  • Steady over hype
  • Holiness over freedom
  • Service over spotlight
  • Wisdom over knowledge
  • Honesty over hiding

Jesus Over Everything is a practical, compelling picture of what we crave and yet struggle to define as we seek to give God his rightful place in our everyday lives. Packed with tools to equip and motivate you, the Jesus-over-everything journey will help you reprioritize your faith first in order to reprioritize your daily life.

Lisa Whittle is a Christian author of eight books and a sought-after Bible teacher. A pastor’s daughter and longtime ministry leader in issues relevant to the church, Lisa is the founder of Ministry Strong and the popular Jesus over Everything podcast, which debuted in the top twenty-five Christian podcasts.

Brittney Moses: Worthy

New Testament Meditations, Christian Women’s Issues, Christian Devotionals

worthy by brittney moses
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Many of us have been struggling at the intersection of our faith and our mind in today’s world. We are bio-psycho-spiritual beings―body, mind, and soul. It’s all interwoven together. If one of these areas feel off the others are soon to follow. So, whether you need a total digital detox or just a little more balance, Brittney Moses has gathered the information and inspiration to help you feel a little more refreshed, clearer, and more at peace within each day. These 50 faith-inspired devotions are integrated with helpful psychological tips and insights to reset each day with a grounded mind and spirit.

Through a beautiful simplistic design, and short, yet impactful, messages of peace and clarity, along with inspirational quotes and mental health trackers, readers will be able to declutter their minds, check-in with their mental health and focus on how to show up with intention for each day.

This interactive devotional will help you to:

  • Practice a more grounded, internal sense of security
  • Realign with your values and convictions to show up confidently as your true self
  • Refresh your faith with the hope and peace of God’s word
  • Develop the tools to better cope with anxiety and overwhelm
  • Redefine the necessary boundaries for your overall mental, emotional, and spiritual health
  • Within ”Worthy” get ready to reclaim your days with a sound mind to show up confidently for the live God has called you to live

Brittney Moses is a writer, speaker, advocate and psychology graduate of UCLA encouraging the integration of faith, holistic mental health, and wellness. From serving in churches over the past decade, formerly founding an international youth non-profit ministry and as a NAMI-certified support group facilitator, Brittney aspires to encourage those who are quietly wrestling in the shadows by bringing mental health issues into the light and making them accessible and relatable aspects of the national conversation. 

Alexandra Hoover: Eyes Up

Christian Personal Growth, Christian Women’s Issues, Christian Spiritual Growth

eyes up by alexandra hoover
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“Where were you, God? I can’t see your hand in my story. Have you ever really shown up for me? Your heart might be good, but just not to me.” 

If you’ve thought these things, you aren’t alone. Author and speaker Alexandra Hoover has been in that dark place too. In her debut book, Eyes Up, she reveals that God offers a clear way out—by getting your eyes off your surroundings and raising them up to the Ebenezer stone moments in your life. Ebenezer stone by Ebenezer stone, God did this for Alexandra, helping her trace his grace. He lifted her eyes to see the places He had met her and helped her along, even in the darkest parts of the story, and on top of that, He casted vision for her mission and purpose as a member of His family. And now, in Eyes Up, you can experience the very same thing as you learn to:

  • Chart your own Ebenezer
  • Journey with God, stone by stone
  • Learn how to embrace God’s sovereignty in every twist and turn of your life
  • Enjoy the gift of confident faith, no matter what part of the story you face today
  • Walk away with your own clear testimony of God’s faithfulness in your life to share with others who need help and faith right now
  • Understand your place in God’s family and His mission for your life

Are you ready to finally see God’s hand at work in countless moments that lay behind you—and more than that, trust His heart and see His vision for the moments ahead? Then look up with Alexandra to the Ebenezer stones that God has not only built in your story, but wants to use in mighty, missional ways.

Alexandra Hoover is a wife, mother of three, daughter, sought-out speaker, and writer. She’s passionate about communicating the gospel’s beauty and hope, whether through writing or speaking, online or in person. Her words spur people on to hope, healing, and their mission.

Simi John: I Am Not

Christian Women’s Issues, Christian Spiritual Growth

i am not by simi john
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Are you tired of struggling with your identity and settling for a lesser version of you?

Are you ready to erase the stories that culture teaches about women and tell a different story?

Are you willing to change not just your mindset but the way you live?

Then “I AM NOT” is for you.

This devotional study book is:

  • Designed for the busy everyday woman filled with Biblical truths and personal stories
  • Written in a conversational style that is easy to read and understand
  • Packed with practical applications with space for reflection, prayer prompts, and thought-provoking questions

Culture has its own assumptions or half-truths that we call stereotypes that can easily make its way into our lives and control the way we perceive ourselves and others. It is time for us to change the narrative that culture says about women by becoming a different kind of woman.

So, we rise up, tearing off labels and declaring to the world, “I am not!”

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. She loves to empower and encourage women to walk in their true identities and live out their purpose. Simi is a speaker and Christian author.

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