If it’s one thing I talk a lot about with the women in the Untangle Your Thoughts program, it’s this, helping them walk through forgiving themselves for the mistakes they have made. To forgive yourself is to receive what Jesus did on the cross, but there is also another step to that.
We know God forgives us of our sins through Jesus, but we continue to carry the weight of the sin.
We think we have to get ourselves right before we go to God. With this belief, we isolate ourselves. (Or when other people make mistakes and hurt us, we isolate and swear ourselves off from friendship or any kind of connection that could possibly hurt again.)
Making mistakes suck. It’s the last thing we want to do, but it’s also something we can’t seem to let go of when we do.
“See, I’m never going to get it right,” We convince ourselves.
“What’s the point anymore,” As we try to keep ourselves from drowning in our own self-loathing.
When you forgive yourself, you walk out healing with compassion. This compassion isn’t self-focused, either, but one led by the Holy Spirit.
By the way, what if I told you your feelings aren’t inherently bad or sinful? You don’t need to fear or suppress them. They can be a guide. If you’re interested, I have a free 3-day study on living by faith while processing emotions. Check it out here!
How to Forgive Yourself and Move Forward in Faith
Forgiving oneself through scripture means seeking guidance and wisdom from the teachings of the Bible to overcome feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame. Scripture offers numerous examples of forgiveness, both from God and from others, and provides guidance on how to extend that same forgiveness to ourselves.
One example of self-forgiveness through scripture is found in 1 John 1:9, which states: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” This verse reminds us that when we confess our sins to God, He will forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. It is important to believe in the power of God’s forgiveness and to trust in His grace and mercy.
Another example can be found in Philippians 3:13-14, which states: “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” This verse encourages us to focus on the future and to let go of our past mistakes. By shifting our focus to the future and our goals in Christ, we can move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and hope.
In addition to these verses, there are many other scriptures that provide guidance and encouragement for self-forgiveness. By studying and reflecting on these teachings, we can find the strength and wisdom we need to forgive ourselves and move forward in faith.
God’s Unconditional Love: A Path to Forgiving Yourself
One would argue that we shouldn’t have to walk through the process of forgiving ourselves because it’s not in the Bible.
We are forgiven and receive forgiveness for our sins through Jesus. (All of which is true.)
The release of our shame and guilt doesn’t hinge on our ability to forgive ourselves. Our freedom from the strongholds we carry comes through the cross’s power.
We should feel bad about sin. (It’s why we also experience guilt.) We should be sorrowful over our failures. However, this sorrow should lead to repentance, and then when forgiveness is received, our sorrow should be cast upon the Lord (Isaiah 53:4). It’s a kind of sorrow or shame that leads us to conviction, leading us to repentance and turning to God, not away from God.
We cannot set ourselves free from any sinful habit we have in our life because Jesus set us free already. We aren’t striving to be set free we are renewing our minds to stay free.
Through scripture, we see two types of forgiveness—the forgiveness of our sins and the forgiveness of others.
Colossians 3:12-13 shares both with us, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
Ephesians 4:32 also shares, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Maybe what we need to work on with ourselves is having compassion for ourselves through the mistakes we make, knowing we live in a fallen world and we sometimes sin.
We can’t “forgive” ourselves, but we can show compassion, patience, kindness, and gentleness towards ourselves in the healing process through the choices we make.
We can use kind words towards ourselves.
We can learn to be patient when we are learning and don’t make the right decision.
We can be gentle with our pain instead of shoving our pain away somewhere.
If our goal is sanctification and becoming more like Christ, how can we extend compassion toward others and not toward ourselves?
If we claim to love Jesus and believe He loves us, then why would we continue to trash-talk ourselves?
*I know how hard walking through this process of forgiving yourself can be. If anger is an emotion that keeps coming up, get my biblical study on anger.
Biblical Study on Forgiveness eBook
$5 Does it feel impossible to live without holding a grudge? Is it hard to imagine being able to forgive yourself? In this biblical study on forgiveness, Jessica offers a clear and workable guide to understanding and practicing forgiveness according to the Bible. Carrying the reader from the heartfelt call to repentance in Acts 3:19…
The Power of Forgiveness in the Bible
Paul, in many ways, set an example of forgiving oneself. He had been a violent persecutor of the church. But rather than live in shame and regret over what he’d done, or think that God could not use him, or constantly remind himself of his sin, he spread the gospel.
This was not Paul trying to make up for his past. Rather, it was out of understanding God’s great salvation. Paul writes, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen” (1 Timothy 1:15–17).
Paul’s sin actually became an avenue by which God was glorified. Rather than refuse to forgive himself, Paul readily received God’s forgiveness and rejoiced in it.
Our culture has rejected all “negative” emotions. However, God gave us the capacity for these negative emotions, and there is a proper use for them.
When a negative emotion and feeling arise about our mistakes, we get to turn to God in all our pain and sorrow and imperfections to confess and repent. This frees us of the shame and guilt. It’s no longer ours but His.
There is beauty in honoring our past stories without them becoming our identity, our worth, the lens we view the world through, or our future. Our past may be trying to tell us something right now (according to how our body responds and reacts with fight or flight).
Take a deep breath, let go of the pain, and forgive yourself for the choices you made.
Letting Go of the Past and Embracing God’s Plan: Forgiving Yourself
What does this look like practically? When we acknowledge our anger from the hurt someone caused us, and we forgive the one who hurt us. We acknowledge our anger is there, but we refuse to live in that anger despite what our feelings and flesh are telling us.
When someone cuts us off when driving and we don’t tail them to get them back.
When someone says something hurtful to us, we don’t retaliate with the same kind of words.
How do we walk through compassion towards ourselves and also not build a wall around our hearts?
Let’s take a look at 2 Corinthians 7:10-11, “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. For see what earnestness this godly grief has produced in you, but also what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what longing, what zeal, what punishment! At every point you have proved yourselves innocent in the matter.”
Paul rejoiced that the Corinthians were made sorry in a godly manner; their sorrow led them to repentance. Because of this response, further discipline from Paul was not required. Changing the narrative from forgiving yourself to clothing yourself with kindness and humility can lead us to repentance.
When we build walls, we must recognize that walls do not only keep people out. They keep us locked in.
Need help managing the mental stresses of life? Join me in my member community focused on living with less stress and living free!
What Does the Bible Say About Forgiving Yourself
Taking a further look at 2 Corinthians 7:10-11, it tells us that there is a godly type of sorrow and an ungodly type of sorrow. Godly sorrow leads to repentance. Ungodly sorrow, or the sorrow of this world, kills us.
I love this breakdown from my Bible commentary.
Our culture has rejected all “negative” emotions. However, God gave us the capacity for these negative emotions, and there is a proper use for them.
Ecclesiastes 7:3 says, “Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.”
We should feel bad about sin. There should be sorrow over what we do wrong. However, this sorrow should lead to conviction and repentance, and then when forgiveness is received, our sorrow should be cast upon the Lord (Isaiah 53:4). Forgiving yourself isn’t something you did or do alone. You heal with the Lord.
The Lord’s statements to His disciples, the night before His crucifixion, caused them sorrow (Matthew 26:21-22 and John 16:6). Peter’s sorrow after his denial of Jesus changed him, and certainly, he never regretted those tears he cried. The sorrow experienced by those who do not turn to God produces only death. They grieve over their situation because they don’t turn to God (that’s repentance). Christians should only have sorrow until they repent.
The word repentance in the Bible literally means “the act of changing one’s mind.” True repentance results in the radical and persistent pursuit of holy living and walking with God in obedience.
Repentance in the Bible involves a complete change of mind, heart, and actions. Renewing our minds and repentance go hand-in-hand. We can’t renew what we aren’t aware of, and we can’t change what we don’t confront.
Therefore, our sorrow can produce death in our life versus holy living. (Which is displaying God’s characteristics to the world.)
It’s the “goodness of God that leads us to repentance.” (Romans 2:4)
Those who come to God because of His goodness will see God as the source of their success and continue to serve God in the good and the bad times.
The Gospel uses God’s great love to draw us unto God. (Remember, forgiving yourself isn’t the goal.)
Paul, in Philippians 3:13–14, reminds us to look forward, to look up to heaven, and not on the road behind us: “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Jesus invites us to sit at the table. We don’t have to bring anything. I don’t want to walk away from the table with anything less than what He died for me to have. We get everything He brings to the table. Forgiving yourself is healing with the Lord and changing the way you view forgiveness.
Hello, how can u forgive yourself for abortions. I no God forgives me, but how can I forgive myself. I have raised my now husband’s children along with ours, but also aborted two. Now to meet a son given up for adoption by one of my baby Momma’s, now this reunion has caused me to remember what I have done. I sometimes live in daily dome in darkness, pretending to be supermo m, torn up inside. Help
Hey Reba, I can’t imagine all that you are feeling. Feel free to email me at jessica@jessicahottle.com to talk on a more intimate level.
How do you forgive yourself from having addictions to drugs and my children’s father who was very abusive and choosing your addiction to drugs and there father over being a mom? I do have nightmares and night terrors of my kids screaming for me because they didn’t want to go to my parents, and me feeling helpless not knowing what to do. I forgave there father for the abuse and the hospitals and doctors for the addiction. But I can’t forgive myself.
Jenny, I am praying for you right now. If you want to talk about this further you can email me. I also suggest getting counsel in person!
I so have a had time forgiving theshameful sins l have done in my past. I see or hear a picture or word it triggers my past sins the enemy is ruthless what in your all materials will l benefit the most. I am so desperate to be free!
I get this. I know it’s hard. But what sets us free isn’t us. It’s what Jesus did. More importantly, it’s His love for us that keeps us free. I have a week of teaching on this in my Spiritual Growth Mentorship. You can learn more about that at https://www.jessicahottle.com/heal
Very much inspiring
Thank you for reading!
Your sin is already forgiven. You cannot forgive yourself what God already has. But your pride is the problem. You are the one who keeps digging it up again. But what God has forgiven in Jesus crucified on the Criss in utter judgment of your very real sin, is forgiven. To take it back again now is the real sin. Because you are denying Christ’s finish work for you. That is what it means that Jesus was raised from the grave of our death and judgment for sin! This justifying you. Making you right with God. Remembering your sin no more. Now you can boast in them…. That they are whiter than snow and so are you in Christ’s righteousness. God’s blessing and peace in Christ. Troy.
Thank you for articulating this. My pride, ego and listening to the enemy all need prayer. Jessica, thank you for sharing your wisdom and faith.
Thank you for reading Jessi!
Hi Jessica,
I stumbled on this site by accident and it was exactly what I needed for today. The verses you shared resonated with me and gave me hope. Thank you.
I am so glad this helped!
I am in a bad way. I was unfaithful to my husband about 17 years ago. We stayed together, never brought it up in all this time until my husband has now decided to revisit this. I lived the past 17 years thinking we were ok but now I’m not so sure. We are on very shaky ground. I am Catholic and I went to confession last month. I have been forgiven by God but am struggling to fully forgive myself. I’ve read that not forgiving yourself is a sin in that it means what Jesus did for us on the cross was not enough. I certainly do not feel that way! Yet I don’t know how to heal and move forward of my husband is “stuck.” Any advice?
I will send you an email! 🙂
I’am having a very hard time of letting go of a situation. I’am having a hard time of excepting God’s forgiveness. Please pray for me
How can I forgive myself for showing the love I should have to family members?
What were your takeaways from this post on forgiveness Hilery?
Yes I’m really in a bad place right now. I keep trying to make excuses for the an I am married too but he is a liar cheat physical and mental abuse he has done to me and my family and his family want nothing to do with him nor my kids but they think I’m putting him above them but I’m not he will not leave please pray for me that I have the streNothing and resources to get out
Praying for you to find safety and for the resources you need Stephanie!
I’m struggling quite badly right now with this. It’s difficult for me to separate my mental health struggles & history of abuse from what was my “fault”. A lot of times I hear God telling me it’s not my fault but I’ve realized I have fallen into some bad habits due to being abused & just trying to cope. Trying to have compassion on myself but forgiveness does not come easy to me, for myself or others. I sent an email to the address you had listed but also wanted to comment. If you can give me an email back I’d really appreciate it
I got your email!
I came upon you by a happy accident. Thank you. I needed this today.
So happy it resonated with you!
Wow! During my morning devotion and searching for help on forgiving myself, I stumbled upon your website.
Thank you for your website!
I will definitely be connecting with it again.
I am in a dark place and struggling with forgiving myself for a mistake that I made which caused me my job.
There is so much more that goes with this that is too lengthy to share.
Your mentioning of how we respond to “Fight or Flight” is something I recently learned through a counseling session.
I have a lot of work ahead of me (in forgiving myself) but I thank God for his grace and mercy that I can look towards the future with him by my side.
Blessings to you and your ministry!
Thank you for stopping by! Praying for you!
I was looking for scriptures about forgiveness for oneself.
Thank you 😊
Hey Rebekah! You will not find scriptures on forgiving ourselves per se, because Christ has forgiven us. We can’t forgive ourselves for our sin only Jesus can. There is a process we walk through in healing that involves allowing and receiving God’s love and what He did for us on the cross. It’s the starting part!
Hi. I just lost the love of my life the only person who believed in me when no one does, I broke his heart multiple times and he gave me multiple chances as well. but, this time he gave up on me. I regret everything that I’ve done, I can’t believe I just throw away our 2 years of wonderful memories together and dreams. I just lost the most wholesome person I know. How can I start to forgive myself.
Hey Gen, I am so sorry to hear about the pain you are experiencing. This will be a process of walking close with the Lord and receiving His love (which takes our sin and mistakes). I don’t want to oversimplify your pain. I pray you have people around you to counsel you and walk through this with you.
While search for ways to forgive myself, I came across your site/article. I believe it was the Lord who directed me to your page. Thank you Lord.
I’m going through feelings of guilt and shame for the way I treated my mother for the last 5 years. She recently passed away at the age of 94. I’m not proud and very ashamed of the things I said to her and the way I treated her. Her mind was not all there but she was so stubborn and would not listen to reason. Her actions were not her, it was her brain slowly dieing and I think I refused to see it for what it was. The last 4 months of her life she was bed bound and unable to care for herself at all. I loved her so much and prayed with her, sang to her and told her I forgive her for all that has happened to me by her hands. I also asked her to forgive me, but the guilt and shame of how I treated her still rear it’s ugly head. I know the Lord has forgiven me but I just wish I could forgive myself. Thank you for your article and scriptures, it has pointed me in the right direction to start to healing process.
I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this with me. If you believe the Lord has forgiven you then give yourself permission to receive that love and walk it out. It will be a process!
I came upon you by accident. But I know I didn’t, because I just finished talking to God about, I can’t forgive myself. When I picked up my phone, your book came in view. It was God’s will, I know. He knew how much I was hurting to the point I didn’t care what happened to me. Thank you so much.
Praying for you!
I have not read the other dialogue, but will once I internalize this reading and scripture. It definitely is something I needed to read and can heal with the Lord. Thank you for this great contribution and look forward to more insight in the future.
Thank you for sharing. I have been struggling on how to forgive myself for the pain I have caused to the people I love the most during my walk with Jesus. This has really helped me to heal and forgive myself through God’s word. Thank you for sharing scripture that I can read and meditate on His words.
Praying you find the closeness with the Father as you walk through this.