Are you holding on so tightly, trying to make it all work out, but exhausted? Trusting in God’s guidance can provide the strength and wisdom needed to move on from difficult situations in life.

Sometimes the best thing for us to do is to let go. 

Let go of what we think it needs to look like. 

Let go of the impossible unenforceable expectations we have put on others. 

Let go of the past so we can see a different future, one with hope. 

However, how often does our letting go make us feel like we are giving up and losing control? 

Letting go isn’t giving up. It’s giving it over to God so the yoke we now carry is His and not ours. 

Letting go is surrendering and trusting God with the end of our story. A story of redemption because He is the Redeemer. (Even though the story may not look like we thought it would.) 

Through prayer and faith, we can seek God’s guidance and find the courage to move on from past hurts and mistakes.

We know letting go and allowing God to step in may mean we have to face the fact that that friendship may not be reconciled, the marriage may look different than we’d hoped, or the family situation we thought would change doesn’t. 

It’s hard to let go because often times on the other side is pain. 

But God is not concerned or taken back by our questions when we let go and things don’t seem to make sense. He welcomes them. 

Embracing God’s guidance can help us navigate the uncertainties of life and find the path to healing and growth.

Relying on God’s Guidance: A Pathway to Moving On and Finding Peace

When we seek God’s guidance in moving on, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and possibilities.

Knowing when to let go of something and surrender it to God can be a challenging decision. Here are a few signs that may indicate it’s time to release something and entrust it to God:

  1. Persistent feelings of anxiety, stress, or worry about the situation.
  2. Continued efforts to control the situation, despite little or no progress.
  3. A lack of peace or contentment in your heart regarding the situation.
  4. Repeated attempts to fix the situation, with no lasting success.
  5. Feeling stuck or stagnant, with no clear path forward.

If you identify with any of these signs, it may be time to surrender the situation to God. This doesn’t mean giving up entirely but rather acknowledging that you cannot control everything and trusting that God has a plan for your life. Prayer and seeking wise counsel can also be helpful in discerning when it’s time to let go and surrender to God.

With God’s guidance, we can find the courage to take the first step toward moving on, even when it feels daunting.

How God’s Guidance Can Help You Move On

Sometimes we hold onto the dead things, don’t we? We spend hours and days trying to revive, cling to any source of life, to something God pronounced dead weeks before.

“It can’t be over,” we think. There have been too many hours into this relationship (or this community) for it to be simply. . . over.

With the women I work with in my Spiritual Growth Mentorship, I see them holding tight to what was because what is becomes scary, unsafe, and hard to imagine.

One moment there we are doing life with this person or a situation, until one day, we aren’t. It may not be what we wanted, but it may be what we needed because sometimes we aren’t willing to see what’s right in front of us.

I wrote in my journal something I felt like I had heard from the Lord about a situation that hurt like hell to walk through, but I was loosely hanging onto.

“I have protected you. Do not go back to dry land,” I wrote down.

We know fruit will not come from dried-up land. The soil is not fertile. It lacks the necessary nutrients like trust and honesty.

In the next line in my journal, I wrote, “I am doing a new thing.” God reminded me that although the land was dry and it was time to let go, something new and good was coming, even though it didn’t feel good.

It was a breakup I needed but wasn’t willing to let go at the time. Until I realized I was hurting myself trying to plant good seed into dry land.

God’s guidance can help you move on by providing comfort, direction, and support as you navigate difficult transitions in life. When you feel lost or unsure of what to do next, turning to God can provide clarity and peace of mind. Here are some ways that God’s guidance can help you move on:

Trusting in God’s plan: When you trust in God’s plan for your life, you can let go of the past and have faith that your future is in good hands. This can help you move on from difficult experiences and look forward to what’s next.

Receiving comfort and support: When you feel overwhelmed or alone, turning to God can provide a sense of comfort and support. This can help you feel less isolated and more connected to God that cares for you.

Gaining clarity and perspective: Through prayer and reflection, you can gain clarity and perspective on your situation, which can help you make decisions and move on with greater confidence.

Forgiving yourself and others: God’s guidance can help you find the grace and compassion to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes or hurts. This can free you from the burden of resentment and help you move on with a lighter heart.

Overall, God’s guidance can help you move on by providing a sense of purpose, direction, and hope in the face of difficult transitions.

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God’s Guidance for Moving On: Trusting in His Plan

Moving on with God’s guidance can help us find peace and purpose in our lives.

Here are some steps you can take to let go of something and move on with God’s help:

Pray for guidance and strength: Begin by asking God for the wisdom and courage to let go of what’s holding you back. Pray for God’s help and guidance as you take steps to move forward.

Seek wise counsel: Talk to a trusted pastor, counselor, or mentor about your situation. They can offer guidance and support as you navigate the process of letting go and moving on.

Focus on gratitude: Take time to reflect on the good things in your life and express gratitude for them. Gratitude helps shift your focus from what you’ve lost to what you still have.

Surrender control: Acknowledge that you cannot control everything and surrender your situation to God. Trust that God has a plan for your life, even if it’s not the plan you had in mind.

Forgive: Forgiveness is a critical part of letting go and moving on. Forgive yourself and others for any hurt or pain caused by the situation. Ask God for the strength to release any anger or bitterness you may be holding onto.

Take action: Take practical steps to move forward. This may involve making changes in your life, setting new goals, or pursuing new opportunities. Trust that God will be with you every step of the way.

Remember that letting go and moving on is a process, and it takes time. Be patient with yourself, trust in God’s plan, and take it one day at a time.

I know what it’s like for it to hurt to let go and for it hurt to stay.

No one can tell you when it’s time except God. But I pray for your heart and eyes willing to see what is instead of what was or could be.

It’s hard, I know.  

There will be others God will bring into your life to revive those dead parts. You may not see it right away. However, He will, through it all, love the hell out of you.

May we cling to what is good and true but hold loose what we can’t control (such as other people, their reactions, or actions).

Letting go of the past and moving on with God’s guidance can open doors to new opportunities and blessings we never thought possible.

Will you work on letting go and surrendering today? 

Two ways to get started today in learning how to follow God’s guidance:

  1. Get my book Face Off with Your Feelings.
  2. Join my Spiritual Growth Mentorship.
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